I've always read this part of the Bible that talks about the armor of God and thought it was the coolest thing! It says that to be prep(Ephesians 6: 10-20)ared against the devil's schemes of the evil of the world we have to put on the FULL armor . This does not say put on the parts that you like and forget the ones you do not like. Many of the times I've felt that they keep telling me about the armor of God, about having faith,praying, the truth, righteousness, peace, salvation, and the word of God and sometimes I've been getting bored of the same "to-do" list to be a "good follower of Christ". Now I understand that, that cannot be boring to me because it is what I need to live a life according to God's will. It is like when a soldier is at war and the commander tells him to go get his gun and prepare for defending. Of course the solider cant say "im bored of guns!" because there is no other way he can defend himself. That is how the armor of God should be with us. It is our weapon to attack the devil and his schemes. At the end of this section it talks about praying a lot! There is power in prayer, and with our armor and prayer we can conquer in the Lord.
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