So when it comes to parents I think of wisdom, love, respect, and happiness. My parents are the best, I would not change them for anything. I have been studying Ephesians 6:1
and it talks about obeying your parents in the Lord and honoring them. Before I used to read this verse not really thinking about the difference between honor and just obeying. But now that I do think about it, it is not the same at all. Honoring is more what we do of our own desire to please our parents and serving them. We can obey with the worst attitude and of course that does not honor our parents. I always think about an example, if a little kid is jumping up and down and his parents tell him to sit, he might be really angry and may sit down with the worst attitude. He did obey his parents by sitting down, but he is not honoring them because even if he is seated down, in his mind he is still standing up and jumping around. We have to obey in the Lord, not in a bad attitude and do it because it is right. And we have to honor them because we will do well in life and live longer. :) You are never too old to obey and honor your parents. They have been taking care of you since you were a baby, you should now give them back to be thankful and to honor God as well. :)
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