Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Words of the Wise, The Lips of the Foolish...

Ecclesiastes 10: 12-14
 These verses talk about words. The Bible many times mentions how the tongue is dangerous. This verse explains how words of a wise man will gain him favor, but how those who are not wise only speak words of foolishness. As followers of Christ we should be wise with our words. We should speak only things that speak life and that point the world back to God. We either help others with our words and serve as examples or we break people down. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can speak from God and not just our own words when others ask for advice or when we have to share things with others. As a senior I know that people are listening to what I say, I want to speak only things that are right. I do not want to speak lies, or bad words that will harm others or change people's perspective on christians. We might not think that what we say had huge consequences, but they do. I want to listen faster than I speak. As a girl it may be hard, but it is possible. hehe:)

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