Thursday, September 19, 2013

Analyzing Your Heart...

Today while I was looking for a chapter to read in my Bible I found a verse that really stood out to me. It is found in Ecclesiastes 7:21-22.  This verse says:
Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others. 
This was interesting to me because as a girl I do find myself making "opinions" and sharing those opinions with others, when I should keep them to myself. But if I find out someone is saying "things" about me I get really angry and find a way to talk to the person. Sometimes people will be saying things that are not nice about us, but it may just be gossip. We are called to forgive and not to judge. We cannot judge others because we also have or still do speak behind people's backs, or say not nice things about them. This verse says that our "hearts" know that we have cursed others, that same heart that we have "surrendered to Christ" that heart that was "transformed" when we accepted Jesus. If our heart is like that after we accept Christ and after the Holy Spirit is in us, we should not curse others. I have to behave differently because if I judge or curse, then it will like a boomerang come back at me. But if I behave how i am supposed to with Christ in my heart and living a life according to his purpose, then I wont take to heart what people say about me, I will only care about what God thinks of me which is what should be my priority. If God thinks and knows well about us, then others will see the same.

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