Tuesday, April 29, 2014


For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11. Trials are like this for me. They seem super unpleasant and hard. They shape us and help us grow into the people God wants us to be. Discipline is different from punishing. Discipline is putting us on the right path and learning to follow it. Punishing is from when you have already done something wrong. I feel like God disciplines us to help us fulfill the purpose that he was for us in our lives. I don't think that he punishes us because the consequences to what we do are punishment enough. I want that discipline so that I can yield the fruit of righteousness. I want to be trained by it through Jesus Christ. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Not Afraid of the devil...

Many people are afraid of the devil and I know that he is evil and all, but I am honestly not afraid.  I follow God and I know that He is greater than the devil. Many might think that this sounds too "religious" but its the truth. Why be scared of the devil when he flees at the name of Jesus? If you have read revelations, you would know that the devil will not win in the end. I kept reading in James and it says it right there. In James 4:7. It says that if you submit yourself to God and resist the devil will flee from you. The devil got nothin' on you gurl! haha. But yes, I want to always remain in God, so that I never have to be afraid of dumb things :) 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Everything gets better...

Sometimes I've felt really really sad. The bible would call that having a troubled heart i guess. I was reading James and in James 5:13 it says Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. This verse is really cool because we sometimes see prayer as what we are "supposed" to do. The bible says though that it actually DOES help to get that trouble away. I have always believed that there is power in prayer. Then it goes on and mentions happiness and to let them sing. It is awesome how even the Bible mentions that trouble happens, but then we can chill, pray and leave it to God. Then we will be singing songs of praise because of our happiness. I want to pray when i feel troubled so that then I can sing happy songs :) I want to give all my troubles to God and not try to fix them on my own. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sin VS. Gift of God

People know that sin is bad. They keep sining instead. They feel good when they sin and they find it comfortable. That comfort will not last though, the Bible in Romans 6: 23 says that sin results in death. I will put it as eternal death. When that comfort from sining is done, it is too late to get out of that lifestyle. Death will eventually catch you, if you don't repent and ask for forgiveness. The Gift of God though, is eternal life. Living with a pure heart is hard, but will Jesus it is doable. The end results are better. Death or Eternal Life with God? That should not even be a question. Doing what is wrong may feel right, but it is not always fun. Everything has its consequences.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Time for Everything

My mom has always told me that there is a time for everything and it is actually biblical! It is hard for me to do a thing at a time, specially being a girl, major multi-tasker. I want to get as much as I can really fast and especially now that we are doing online classes in school it is hard to stay 100% focused on the assignments. I mean, I am basically on my computer ALL DAY! , But I know that it is not good to try to do too much, instead of focusing on what I have to do at that time. This is I think, the primary source of my anxiety. I want to keep in mind the "there is a time for everything' in mind. I want to have a special time dedicated to God. This way I will be more relaxed and more efficient.

Monday, April 21, 2014


I have never been to comfortable to talk about death. I know that everyone will eventually die, I know that I will die. It is crazy to think that some people see death as something that might happen when you're old and 80 something. I see death as something that can happen at any moment. Our hearts are beating right now just because God is allowing them to. One day a boy from school woke up and was returning from a place with friends, that day he never got home. There was an accident and he died. He was a sophomore, not old, not in his 80s. He was just returning and his life ended. Since that happened I have been trying to life my life in a way that I please God and that I do not just waste my life. Philippians 1:21 says that to live is Christ and to die is gain. If you life for Christ you are doing good things with your life, and If you die you will be with Christ and away from the troubles of the world. I want to live my life for Christ.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Reflection.

I feel like everybody knows John 3:16, believers and non-believers. It is put out there so much, but I feel like BECAUSE it is out there so much, it is not valued enough.  To me it is crazy to think that God would send His son to die just for me, and that He would do it again. Yeah,many see this and know it, but it was not a nice death!!! It was crazy! I know that I do not deserve that, but God would do it for ME all over again! That is pure love right there. He rose from the dead and thanks to that sacrifice, I can hope to spend eternity with God! I have direct access to Him, and my sins are forgiven. That is honestly the best gift ever. I want to be more thankful each day for this sacrifice and not just see it as a normal christian thing to say.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Be Still...

Many times in my life I had found myself drowning in anxiety. People always tell me to trust in God and to have faith. I try, but I am the type of person that neeeeedss to do something about stuff when they bother me. I read psalm 46:10 and the first thing that it said was "Be Still". Well, even the word of God is telling me to be still. Then it goes on to say, know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. It is always sooo hard to understand  God's greatness, but the creator of the universe is telling me to be still, I mean, he knows my future. It is probably funny for God to see us worried and anxious when the outcome might not be bad. But I am trying to be still, and know that God will take care of it. He is already there.