Monday, December 9, 2013

Pride Vs. Humility

Today I was reading Proverbs 11. As always, I wanted to focus on what primarily caught my attention. It was verse 2 for this chapter. It says "When pride comes, then comes disgrace,
    but with humility comes wisdom." I feel like pride is one of the major sins. Pride is not justttt thinking of yourself as the better person. Pride is like that feeling you get when it is hard for you to say "im sorry" when you know that you were wrong. Well, the Bible says that pride = disgrace. Acting in humility results in wisdom. Not just any wisdom, but God given wisdom. I want to act in humility and not in pride. I want wisdom from the Lord and not disgrace. I want to be humble as much as I can. Pride does not take you anywhere good. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

John 15:5,8

It is nice to see how the Bible has analogies to compare us with Jesus. In these verses it says that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain in him, He remains in us. This is again encouraging is to live a life like Jesus's life. Like when children look like their father, we have to look/ behave like Jesus that is our father. We have to live a life of purity, a life that is pleasing to God. He is the one that gives us life in the first place, we should honor Him by living one that he agrees with. It is my desire to truly be in Christ, and to behave in a way that I can show myself to be a disciple of Him.  I want Christ to be in me too. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Psalm 119: 9-16

I really loved reading this section because it is focused on how young people can stay in the paths of purity.  For a young person to be pure these days is not very usual. It is absurd how we keep wondering how to stay in purity when the Bible gives us the exact answer. These verses say that young people can stay pure by 1. Living according to the word. 2. Seeking the Lord with all our hearts 3.Not straying away from His commands. I want to be able to be different from others,keeping that purity. I want to read the word of God and be able to live what I read. I want to seek him with all my heart and not "just because I should." I want to treasure what He wants in my heart because I want to please him and follow his commands.